Well 2010 has flown by. I can't believe it is already time to write the annual Christmas letter. It has been a busy and eventful year with lots of blessings for which we are so grateful.
We still live in Gilbert, AZ, and we still have a house-full with 6 kids at home, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 turtles, 1 fish and 2 chickens.
We are grateful for this time of year to focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope you have had many blessings this past year and that the new year will bring you joy and happiness.
The Thomas Family
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Isaiah turned 4 this year and started preschool. He is in a speech program in yet a different elementary school than Delron and the other kids. Four different schools- phew! He was not too sure about going off to preschool because he is so shy but he loves it. He enjoys bringing home papers in his backpack and showing us what he has done. He has grown a lot this year and is quite tall for his age. He got a scooter this year and has fun riding it outside. He is a sweet little boy and has such a cute personality.

Delron turned 6 this year and is in 1st grade. He is in a speech program at a different elementary school this year and has adjusted well. He is a character and comes up with the funniest punch lines. I think he'd make a great comedian when he grows up. He loves school and really has a great attitude about his homework. He is turning into quite an artist and is very creative in his designs. He keeps asking when he can turn 8 so he can be in scouts like Khorey. He was quite excited to learn to ride his bike without training wheels this year.

Khorey turned 8 this year and is in 3rd grade. He was baptized in July and was excited to get his first suit. Too bad it was really too hot to wear it much in the summer but at least he will be able to wear it now. Ha ha. He loves school and does well. He is a wolf cub scout now and enjoys participating in scouts. He was able to go to Heard Pueblo Cub Scout Day Camp this year. He had a great time. He has grown several inches and can eat both Phil and I under the table. Wow, we are in trouble when he is a teenager!

Jamal turned 11 this year and is in 5th grade. He earned the Arrow of Light, the highest award in cub scouts, and is enjoying being in Boy Scouts. He works hard in school and really enjoys science. He is quite artistic and has become the "class artist" at school. He has started band this year and plays the clarinet. He has to play that instrument for two years and then he can move on to the saxophone. He had to start wearing glasses this year. At least he thinks he looks "smart" wearing them so he's okay with needing glasses.

Olivia turned 12 this year and is in 6th grade. She is blossoming into a lovely young lady. She works hard in school. She went to girls' camp for the first time in July. She had fun and wants to go again next year, even if there are spiders. She is looking forward to her school science trip coming up in March. She has grown a lot this year and is now taller than I am. She wears a bigger shoe size than Vanessa so I think she will even be taller than Vanessa, who is 5' 7", when she is done growing.

Vanessa turned 16 this year and is a junior. She is already planning out her senior year and is looking forward to her graduation. She is in choir at school this year. She is planning to participate in track again when the season starts up in January. She is a dedicated student and works hard to do well in school. She has been a great help to me this year since I've been so busy with school projects. She really loves cooking and Sunday nights are "her night". She likes to bake and keeps the guys at Phil's work supplied with goodies.
Jess, Dallin and Ellimere

Jess, Dallin and Ellimere are still living in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Too far from Arizona if you ask me. Dallin is still working as the goldsmith at the jewelry store. Work keeps him pretty busy. He's a talented goldsmith and has had custom jobs to keep him creative. Jess stays home with Ellimere and is in the Idaho Falls Symphony Orchestra. She participated in a triathlon in May and I was able to fly out and cheer her on. She did great and went on to participate in another triathlon in August. She did have a fall on her bike but was able to finish. Go Jess! Ellimere turns two next month. Wow, how time really flies. She is the cutest little redhead I've ever seen.
Phil and Laine

Phil is still working at Triumph Air Repair. This time last year they were laying people off. Thankfully business has gotten stronger and this has been a better year for the company. Phil has been very busy and has been working a lot of over-time. Given the state of the economy we are especially grateful for this blessing. He was released as a ward missionary and is now the first counselor in the Elder's quorum at church. In February he had to undergo surgery to remove his gallbladder. He had been quite ill and unable to eat much of anything for several months. After much testing they finally figured it was that nasty old gallbladder. They were able to perform the surgery using laparoscopy so his recovery was much quicker. He was only out of work for a week with light duty and half days the next week. He sometimes says he wants his gallbladder back because he had lost a lot of weight when he was sick. That's a terrible way to lose weight though. He was pretty dang sick. He enjoys going to the gym and plays racquetball on Saturday mornings with some guys from church.
I am still doing medical transcription from home. I am also still the Wolf den leader. Both keep me busy. I decided to go back to school this year and enrolled in the digital photography program at the local community college. I took one class in the summer and just finished the fall semester having taken two photography classes and the computer photographic imaging class. It was pretty crazy trying to keep up with everything but Phil and the kids were a huge help and support. I have 5 weeks off then will start the next semester. I have at least one more semester after that. Eventually I'd like to start my own photography business. I've had some great opportunities this year that have given me some experience and chances to work on building my self-confidence as a photographer. I was able to be the event photographer for the Gilbert Constitution Fair, photographed for a community production of Les Mis and also photographed for a friend who has put together a wonderful collection of photography-art on the constitution and founding fathers with a show featuring these works of art and music. (You can check out her work at http://www.capturedmiracles.org) I have been so blessed to have these wonderful opportunities. If you are so inclined you can check out some of my work on my Smug Mug site: http://lainethomasphotography.smugmug.com
We reached a big milestone in July this year, our 25th Anniversary. My sister, Tonya, got together with my parents, Phil's Michigan family, Jess and Dallin and planned a surprise party for us. It was wonderful to have most of Phil's family fly out from Michigan and to have Jess, Dallin and Ellimere fly out from Idaho. What a great way to spend an anniversary.
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